Timesheet tracking for Jira

Smart reports for your project

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Top trending

Timesheet tracking for Jira has been a tremendous success, with over 20,000 active installations to date.
This plugin has received recognition as one of the top 10 Jira plugins in 2023 and has been highly regarded as one of the best trending apps by Idalko, an Atlassian platinum partner.
It has consistently ranked among the top trending apps on the marketplace for several months, reaffirming its popularity and usefulness in the Jira community.

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About Timesheet tracking for jira

With simple filtering options, you can generate informative pie charts or tables to gain insights into your team's worklogs or project duration costs. Customize the fields based on your requirements to focus on specific groups, users, or projects, allowing you to analyze and track time with precision.

Always on the top !

Top 1 Trending Time tracking apps this week !!
Simple time-sheets reports based on users and projects


Generate reports based on various fields, including project, epic, worklog author, issue, and more. This can help you gain insights into how time is being spent , and identify any areas where improvements can be made.


Customize your request with various parameters such as users, the projects, the filters and more. You can also display the resulting JQL.

Manage your work

With the calendar feature, team members can have a clear overview of their work schedule and make necessary adjustments to ensure timely completion of work. It is easy to add, edit, delete worklogs into the calendar

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Active installations





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